I write LARPs. I like to think they're pretty good. I hope you'll think so, too.
These LARPs vary in genre and seriousness but are mostly about manipulating your friends' characters and occasionally murdering them. They are intended primarily to be an entertaining experience. If they are also cause you to feel immersed in the sublime beauty of Art or teach you things about yourself or others, that's wonderful, but they are not guaranteed to do any of that.
My personal LARP design philosophy minimizes facilitator (game master, orchestrator, etc.) involvement. All the LARPS here require at most one facilitator.
Purchasing any LARP here gives you license to run it non-commercially (e.g., for your friends) and reproduce any part of the game you need in order to do that (e.g., print out or email character sheets). If you would like to run any of these games commercially, please contact me about a licensing agreement. Also feel free to contact me with any questions!
If you run one of my LARPS, let me know how it went! There may be a coupon in it for you.
If your enjoyment of my writing is somehow contingent upon knowing who I am as a person, then know that I'm living my best lesbian life in California where I enjoy long walks on beaches full of dogs, sweet mead, and martial activities.
I'm available to write bespoke LARPs on request.